Shipping & Returns

100% Risk-Free Guarantee
No Hassle Returns

Try Spacemilk completely risk-free!

We believe strongly in the value of Spacemilk. If you don't love it, we’ll give you a full refund on your first container with valid proof of purchase. No questions asked!

Just let us know within 30 Days of receiving your delivery.

Simply follow these easy steps:

1. Contact us at and let us know that you’d like a refund.
2. We will email you the address where you can return your container.
3. Place the container in a box and mail it to us.
4. Email us the tracking number for your return.
5. We will initiate your refund within 48 hours of receiving your package.

Can I get a refund even if it's not my first purchase?

You might have a legitimate reason to request a refund, even if it’s not your first time ordering, so we will consider such requests as permitted. Email to let us know what went wrong, and if approved, we will refund your purchase price provided such refund request is made within 30 days of delivery with valid proof of purchase.

*Full refund means the total amount you paid for + shipping and handling + sales tax. Customer is responsible for return shipping.
**Repeated refund requests from the same customer are not allowed.
***This refund policy applies to orders placed on only and it is subject to change without notice.

Questions? Reach out

Shipping Policy

All purchases typically process for shipping within 3-5 business days. Should this date change, Spacemilk will notify you via the email address you supplied when placing your order. You may check the status of your delivery through your Account on the Website.

Spacemilk is a small-batch run, and we do reserve canisters for customers with subscriptions, so in the event that we have sold out prior to the next batch availability, we will notify you via the email you used to place your order. You will not be charged until your order actually ships.

Reasonable efforts will be made to reduce waste and environmental impact in shipping. Shipping will be charged to you in accordance with Spacemilk’s then-current Terms of Service and Conditions of Sale.

Questions? Reach out

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